… and bump someone in an instant. There he is, smiling like pinpricks of stars fused together. And on the next day, you will see yourself on the same café waiting for him to bump you on the second time around, or probably until lightyears go and fade. You expect him to be there, smiling at you, or eventually a guy just like him tucked in a coat with a brewed coffee in his hand.

You see, love isn’t supposed to be seen that way. It doesn’t come like unicorns gliding within rainbows or fairytales across glammed dramas. It will come like the brightest star, or the half-lighted moon, or the song you always play on your Grandma’s stereo.

Love will never tell you it has finally arrived not until you start feeling it.

– el

Love will never tell you

Photo by Jake Hinds on Unsplash

fields of emotions love